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Important Safety Tips When Using Home Lift Elevator

Elevators are considered one of the safest, fastest, and most reliable means of transport around buildings. However, they can lead to disastrous accidents if users do not observe safety tips.

Besides knowing how to use the elevator safely, you must understand how to react when it fails to operate normally.

Below is a list of essential safety tips that will help you use your home elevator safely. And what to do should the elevator stall or fail.

1. Hire A Professional Elevator Contractor

The installation process will primarily determine how functional your elevator will be. An experienced elevator contractor will install the elevator professionally. Moreover, he will give you tips on how to operate it safely. However, a flawed installation process is the genesis of troubles.

Therefore, begin the process by searching for qualified, credible, and experienced contractors near you. Since they are licensed and insured to do the work, you can be confident the installation process will meet the required safety rules and guidelines.

In addition to that, a trusted contractor will use quality materials that are not likely to fail soon. Furthermore, you get value for money when you invest in a quality product that will continue to serve without fail for years to come.

However, going for a cheap deal is the beginning of repairs and handling emergencies soon after installation. And having a contractor who does shoddy work translates to poor emergency handling services.

2. Maintain Weight Requirements as Directed

Weight requirement sounds like an insignificant regulation, but it poses safety risks. When installing an elevator, the contractor sets it fit a particular weight. That is to say, anything beyond the capacity indicated will impact negatively on how the elevator runs.

Therefore, it is crucial to put the load into consideration when installing your elevator to fit your requirements. Ignoring the indicated weight requirements leads to overloading of the lift. And as a result, the pulleys and ropes will strain, and consequently, the elevator will begin to stall.

You may have had an experience with elevators getting stuck between floors. Or the elevator doors refusing to open and close. Besides the installation process, overloading can contribute to some of these issues. Moreover, such problems call for frequent repairs and shortening of the elevator’s lifespan.

Woman controlling an elevator

3. Ensure You Have 24/7 Emergency Support

Emergencies can happen at any time. For example, a fire can break out, or the elevator can get stalled in the middle of the night, and urgent help is needed.  Therefore, having a reachable emergency service is essential in such circumstances.

Furthermore, should there be an unexpected breakdown, do not use the elevator. Instead, use stairs or any other available option. However, if you are inside the lift, dial the number pinned inside the elevator to reach the support personnel.

Since emergencies can occur anytime, it is essential to choose elevator contractors who offer 24/7 support services.

4. Know Emergency Rules and Guidances

Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of an elevator. For instance example, in case the elevator stops unexpectedly. You can dial the support number provided on the wall of the elevator using the emergency phone.

However, if you get stuck in the elevator, do not attempt to exit by yourself. Wait for thr support personnnel.

Additionally, do not use your hand to stop the elevator when it starts to close and someone needs to get in.  You risk getting your hand crushed in case the elevator fails to sense it.

Take preventative measures by calling your contractor if you experience unusual behavior with the elevator—for example, funny sounds when the elevator is moving.

5. Enter and Exit the Elevator Safely

It sounds like a clear guideline to list, but it is necessary. Since you can easily trip and fall if you are not keen on entering and exiting the lift. Similarly, when entering the lift, wait for the doors to open well and then enter.  You should also position yourself at a good angle or hold the elevator’s handrail not to fall when the lift starts moving.

Do not stand near the door since the elevator might not close because it will sense someone is on the way and avoid closing on you.

When exiting, wait for the elevator to open well before stepping out.


Personal safety begins with you. It is quite important to observe the above safety tips when using your home elevator to avoid injuries.

Choose a team of recommended contractors who will install the elevator professionally. In addition to that, they will also offer the best support services in the event of emergencies.